How a Pregnancy Massage can be Beneficial to you

A growing number of women have realized the advantages of obstetric/pregnancy massage in recent years. It was previously considered an alternative treatment, but it is now an increasingly common method for women to alleviate pregnant pain. This kind of massage is good for pregnant women, according to studies, since it offers a range of health advantages. However, since this is a specialist field of massage treatment, you must grasp the specifics before booking an appointment with The Massage Shop.

How a Pregnancy Massage can be Beneficial to you

What is Pregnancy Massage?

Pregnancy massage, also known as prenatal massage, helps expecting moms relax and connect, soothes anxieties, and relaxes strained backs and weary muscles.

Massage has been proven to help with pain and anxiety during the initial stage of labour and birth. It may help you deal with contractions by making them less painful and more bearable, perhaps shortening labour and reducing the amount of pain medication required.

Can pregnant women get massages?

Pregnancy massages are usually regarded as safe beyond the first trimester, as long as you receive the go-ahead from your practitioner and tell your massage therapist that you’re pregnant. Massage, on the other hand, should be avoided during the first three months of pregnancy due to the risk of dizziness and worsening morning sickness.

There is no magic eject button that will inadvertently interrupt your pregnancy, and there isn’t much strong scientific proof that particular kinds of massage may have an impact one way or the other. 

Some massage therapists avoid specific pressure areas, such as the one between the ankle bone and the heel, for fear of inducing contractions, although the data on whether massage may induce labour is unclear (to nonexistent).

Women should always speak with their prenatal care physician about their health before embarking on any kind of massage treatment. Fortunately, your care team and pregnant massage therapist work together at The Massage Shop.

Let’s get straight into some of the many advantages of pregnant massage:

Benefits of a Pregnancy Massage

Reduce Swelling

During pregnancy, swelling of the feet, legs, and hands is often caused by reduced circulation and increased strain on the main blood arteries. Pregnancy massage may assist stimulate the soft tissue, shift excess fluid, and decrease oedema, putting you at rest.

How to Get Rid of Lower Back Pain

Pregnancy massage relieves lower back discomfort, particularly sciatic nerve pain, by treating tight muscles in the afflicted region. Prenatal massage stimulates blood flow and helps in the release of stress-induced by pregnancy.

Enhance Your Sleep

As your pregnancy develops, getting adequate sleep becomes more challenging. Prenatal massage calms the nervous system and increases the production of feel-good hormones. This will help you relax and sleep better. 

Prepare Your Body for Labor and Birth

A prenatal massage may help you have an easier birth not just by lowering your overall stress level, but also by keeping your muscles toned and relaxed before labour begins. Women who had massages had shorter hospital stays, shorter labours, and a lower incidence of postnatal depression, according to the study.

Natural Pain Reliever

Pregnancy massage is a drug-free, natural way to relieve discomfort during pregnancy. This is beneficial since drug usage is limited during pregnancy for the sake of your baby’s wellbeing. Many typical pregnancy discomforts may be substantially relieved by the increased blood flow to your tissues and the relaxation your body will feel during and after a session.

Reduces the likelihood of preterm birth

According to studies, pregnant moms who got prenatal massage treatment regularly were less likely to have a preterm delivery than women who did not get a massage throughout their pregnancy.

Reduces the baby’s stress hormones

Massage not only helps the pregnant woman but also lowers stress hormone levels in the fetus. Massage has been proven in tests to help increase the infant’s cortisol levels even while the baby is still within his or her mother’s womb. As a consequence, it is fair to state that moms aren’t the only ones who benefit from the health advantages of prenatal massage.

Things to consider if you decided to have a pregnancy massage

While pregnant, it’s recommended to avoid having your stomach massaged since pressure on that region may be uncomfortable.

Avoid laying on your back during your massage if you’re in the second part of your pregnancy (after the fourth month), since the weight of your baby and uterus may compress blood vessels and decrease circulation to your placenta, creating more issues than any massage can fix.

A pregnancy massage will not include any deep tissue treatment on your legs. While moderate pressure is safe, pregnant women are more vulnerable to blood clots, which intense massage therapy may remove. As a result, this may be hazardous. Pressure on other areas of the body may be as strong and deep or as mild as desired. Always tell your therapist when something feels wonderful — and when it begins to hurt.

Another consideration is that, although any massage therapist may technically work with pregnant women, it is preferable to seek out a professional who has undergone at least 16 hours of advanced training in maternal massage. (Because there is no particular certification, you should ask about it when you make your appointment.) 

In this manner, you can be certain that you are in the hands of someone who knows how to alleviate any discomfort and pressure produced by your changing body.

Pregnancy is a wonderful period, but it can have its disadvantages. Fortunately, massage therapy is a safe and effective method to relieve chronic discomforts without the use of over-the-counter medicines. Aside from the physical advantages, prenatal massage is a great method to encourage relaxation, mental health, and a feeling of calm preparation for what lies ahead.

Finally, before having a prenatal massage, always contact your practitioner, particularly if you have diabetes, morning sickness, preeclampsia, high blood pressure, a communicable infection, abdominal discomfort, or bleeding – these are problems that may make massage during pregnancy hazardous. For a thorough consultation and to schedule a pregnancy massage for just $80 per hour, contact your local Massage Shop.

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